Monday 4 January 2010

Mini post

Just wanted to say bloody hell, I'm only 8 days away!

That is all..... :D


  1. Hello,

    I just wanted to wish you luck on your jaw surgery. I had my underbite corrected two weeks ago today and I feel great! If you have any questions or comments, I'm here to help! :)


  2. I wish you the best of luck!!! Hang in there! Don't let your nerves take over you too much- you are strong and will have a gorgeous smile & perfect bite when all is said and done! :D

  3. Thank you both! :D

    I'm not really nervous, but I will be once I'm actually there. Not so much because I'm scared of the operation, but hospitals and loads of doctors round you is scary in itself, isn't it? lol

    Here's to banishing these underbites!

    Kelly- are you wearing a splint or are you just banded? I don't know for sure if I will need one, but this is really the only thing that worries me because they seem really claustrophobic.
    Also, did you have trouble breathing through your nose before surgery, and has it improved? At night I find it impossible to breathe through my nose, and I just assume it's down to my jaws restricting my airway

  4. Hello again Emma!

    I actually not wearing either of them! I never wore a splint and was only banded overnight. The next day they just cut them off. I found it really strange because I've seen all of these blogs and they talk about their splint/bands. When I had the post-op meeting with the OS the day after surgery he said I will not be wearing the splint and he left it up to my ortho for the bands. I think going band/splint-less has helped me exercise my jaw and get used to opening and closing it. I just got back from the ortho an hour ago and he said I looked good and he will maybe put bands on me in three weeks, but maybe not.

    Hmmm. I never really had trouble breathing through my nose before the surgery and I haven't noticed anything different afterward. Could it be a deviated septum? I had a friend with a deviated septum and she couldn't breathe through her nose either. But you said it was only at night so I don't really know. Have you given those nose things a try? The ones where you put them on your nose and they supposedly open up the passageway. Haha.

    I will be posting another blog today so that I can give some updates.

    One more week for you, correct? I'm sure it will go great! I couldn't be more happy with my bite. Just know that the first few days or the first week will kinda suck but be gets better after week one!

    Kelly :)

  5. No splint or bands? Lucky you! Will it help me to try and excercise the jaw as soon as I can, then? If I have to wear the splint I'll have that for a week, and from then on bands.

    I think the breathing trouble is solely down to the way my jaws affect the airways. I'll just have to wait and see whether it improves after surgery

    Thanks for the well-wishes! I'm sure I'll be as happy with my outcome as you are with yours. Well here's hoping, anyway!
