Wednesday 20 January 2010

Gah! My perfect conditions thwarted! lol

First off sorry for the lack of posts. I share the internet connection with my brother, and it is connected in his you do the maths!
So, I had elastics put on today. I was really hoping I could get away with wearing nothing for a while, but nevermind! :D They are just in a box-shape at either side that I need to keep on all the time basically. I can manage to eat with them on, but since I need to change them once a day anyway I might as well take them off before my main meal at night, so I can eat it with more ease, brush and rinse my teeth, then get them back on again. I suppose that's logical, and that's the plan.
I just hope I manage to change them easily enough, and without too much pain.

As for pain- I'm not taking my pain killers as ordered anymore, just when I feel I need them. The last few days I've taken just a small dose twice a day (one of those being at night just to be sure I would sleep ok). Today? I didn't take any. Though again I might take a small dose at night.
The only pain I get really is in the stitches, but only if they happen to be exacerbated. Today at my appointment for instance, they were hurting quite a bit!

As for photos- I'm really not good at taking them, but here are a few to give you a general idea of how things turned out. If my stupid lower lip would just cut me some slack and stop getting in my way, they might have been a bit clearer! As it is, I have to keep moving it out of the way!

1 comment:

  1. I am *thrilled* it went so well - looking absolutely great and fab news about not needing pain relief and managing to cope with the brushing and eating etc. Bite is looking ace, and I'm sure once the swelling goes down you'll be absolutely over the moon with it all..

    Keep us updated!! xxx
